© Skitouring in Gosau (Photo: Alexander Kijak)
A person ski touring through Gosau (Photo: Alexander Kijak)



Information pursuant to § 5 E-Commerce Act & disclosure pursuant to § 25 Media Act


Owner and publisher:

Tourismusverband Inneres Salzkammergut
Adress: Kirchengasse 4
Postcode/town: 4822 Bad Goisern at Lake Hallstatt
Tel.: +43 5 95095
Fax: +43 5 95095-74
E-mail: info@dachstein-salzkammergut.at
Web: www.dachstein-salzkammergut.at
VAT-Id: ATU 53978904
Regulatory supervision: Office of the Provincial Government of Upper Austria
The Tourism Association Inneres Salzkammergut is a public corporation according to § 4 Upper Austrian Tourism Act 1990 as amended.


Disclosure pursuant to § 25 Media Act

Subject: This website contains information about the region Hallstatt-Dachstein / Salzkammergut
Media owner: Tourism Association Inneres Salzkammergut
Adress of media owner: 4822 Bad Goisern at Lake Hallstatt
Headquater: Kirchengasse 4, 4822 Bad Goisern at Lake Hallstatt
Managing director: Pamela Binder
Holdings: All member companies of the region.
Company subject: The subject of the company is to advertise the touristic offers of the Holiday Region Hallstatt-Dachstein / Salzkammergut.
Fundamental direction: The above-mentioned website is an independent information and presentation medium with a reservation tool to support and promote the above-mentioned field of activity.
Content design: Tourism Association Inneres Salzkammergut, in cooperation with the touristic partners of the Holiday Region Dachstein Salzkammergut


Programming and technical responsibility

land in sicht ag
Adress: Brühlmatten 16
Postcode/town: 79295 Sulzburg, Germany
Tel.: +49 7634 56956-0
Fax: +49 7634 56956-99
E-Mail: info@land-in-sicht.de
Web: www.land-in-sicht.de



Despite the utmost care in the selection and presentation, there is no claim to accuracy and completeness; liability for the content is expressly excluded. No liability is assumed for the contents of all links leading to pages outside of www.dachstein-salzkammergut.at, the respective service provider is responsible for the information contained therein.


Data protection

Privacy Policy


Legal notice

The entire website of the Holiday Region Dachstein Salzkammergut (Tourismusverband Inneres Salzkammergut) is protected by copyright. The Holiday Region Dachstein Salzkammergut (Tourismusverband Inneres Salzkammergut) therefore has, if not explicitly marked, the copyright regarding all documents/available contents/data (texts, pictures, illustrations, graphics, pictures, sound and video material etc.) provided on its website. With regard to all rights to these contents/data (e.g. property, industrial property rights, copyright), no licence or other right is granted to anyone. Any use of these contents/data is only permitted with the express written consent of the Holiday Region Dachstein Salzkammergut (Tourismusverband Inneres Salzkammergut). Without such written consent any use/utilization of contents/data of the website of the Holiday Region Dachstein Salzkammergut (Tourismusverband Inneres Salzkammergut) is liable to prosecution. This applies in particular to duplication, storage and processing in electronic systems and any other conceivable use/utilization of contents/data of this website. Also the use of marks (e.g. marks, logos etc.), independently of the existence of a symbol ® or ™, is expressly forbidden. All these regulations also apply to software that can be accessed directly or indirectly from the website of the Holiday Region Dachstein Salzkammergut  (Tourismusverband Inneres Salzkammergut).


Information on online dispute resolution pursuant to Art. 14 para. 1 ODR-VO

The EU Commission offers the possibility of online dispute resolution on a platform operated by it (the so-called "OS platform"). The OS platform can serve as a contact point for out-of-court settlement of disputes arising from online sales contracts or service contracts. This platform can be reached via the external link http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr.