© Hot air balloon night in Gosau at Dachstein (photo: RudiKainPhotografie)
© Hot air balloon night in Gosau at Dachstein (Photo: RudiKainPhotografie)
Every year in January the balloon week takes place in Gosau at Dachstein, where countless balloons decorate both the ground and the air. (Photo: RudiKainPhotografie)

Events in the
Dachstein Salzkammergut


World heritage tour through Hallstatt

Do a journey through 7 000 years of Hallstatt time. Join a tour about 1.5 hours through the town and learn about the history of the World Heritage village.

Dates & prices

Every Monday and Saturday - from May to September
Meeting point:  04:30 p.m. at the Tourist Information / Luggage Depot Hallstatt


Prices: for guests of the Holiday Region Dachstein Salzkammergut, the tour is for free. Please take your guest cards or Salzkammergut Cards with you.

For our guests from other region, the tour is € 10.00 for an adult. Children until 15 years are free. Please keep in mind, that the tour includes a visit of the bone house in Hallstatt. If you want to go in there, you have to pay an entrance of € 1.50 per adult and € 0.50 per child.

The following photo gallery can be navigated with the arrow keys (left, right).

Contact & Service

Tourist information Hallstatt
Seestraße 114
4830 Hallstatt

Phone +43 5 95095-30
Fax machine +43 5 95095-74
E-Mail hallstatt@dachstein-salzkammergut.at


Don’t hesitate to contact the team of local guides at the tourist board Hallstatt -  Michelle Knoll – for any questions about Hallstatt and the Holiday Region Dachstein Salzkammergut.

Opening times tourist board Hallstatt …

Sights in Hallstatt