© Goiserer Gamsjagatage (Foto: Stefanie Wallner)
Die Goiserer Gamsjagatage finden jährlich Ende August statt. (Foto: Stefanie Wallner)

im Sommer


The Corpus Christi Procession on Lake Hallstatt

When the weather is good, there is a Holy Mass celebrating in the Catholic church at 10:30 a.m. - first station of the  Corpus Christi procession - then it goes to the market square. At the second station of the Corpus Christi procession there is the blessing for the village, its residents and the mining industry, afterwards it goes back to the Catholic church via the Kirchenweg. By bad weather, the two Corpus Christi stations are held in the church by the altars.


Be part of our local tradition here in the World Heritage Region Hallstatt/Dachstein-Salzkammergut.

A piece of World Cultural Heritage

The traditional Corpus Christi Procession on the Lake Hallstatt is an example of the many traditions unique in the Salzkammergut. Join the people of Hallstatt and share a part of their unique culture.


The lake procession on the Lake Hallstatt

The Corpus Christi lake procession consists of numerous traditional boats - the so called "Fuhre" or "Plätte" -  decorated with flowers and garlands. As early as 6 a.m. in the morning, participants in the Corpus Christi complete their part in the event. The procession begins at the edge of the village. Participants venture out on to the lake in their traditional boats before returning ashore. Their journey ends by the church. In keeping with tradition, a shot is fired each hour, on the hour, from a traditional boat on the lake.


From the market place to the lake

As always, a Holy Mass will be celebrated in the Catholic church. Afterwards, the Corpus Christi procession makes its way towards the first station of the cross situated in the festively decorated market square. Local people as well as vistors dressed in traditional national costume assemble in the centre of the World Heritage village. Local brass bands perform some short pieces of music, after which the procession continues towards the Lake Hallstatt, where festively decorated small boats and floats wait to be launched. Many of the inhabitants of Hallstatt travel back by traditional boat to the other side of the village where they will eagerly await the arrival of the Corpus Christi procession.

Die nachfolgende Bildergalerie ist mittels Pfeiltasten (links, rechts) bedienbar.

Procession course:

  • 9 a.m. High Mass in the Catholic Parish Church
  • Blessing station on the market square of Hallstatt
  • Start of the procession on Lake Hallstatt
  • Final blessing on the market square of Hallstatt

Program changes reserved due to weather conditions.

Contact & Service

Tourist information Hallstatt
Seestraße 114
4830 Hallstatt

Telefon +43 5 95095-30
Fax +43 5 95095-74
E-Mail hallstatt@dachstein-salzkammergut.at


Don’t hesitate to contact the team of local guides at the tourist board Hallstatt -  Michelle Knoll – for any questions about Hallstatt and the Holiday Region Dachstein Salzkammergut.

Opening times tourist board Hallstatt …

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